Prayer is happening at Harvest all the time — from the lobby to the kitchen, from the classrooms to the Worship Center and the office, you will see people stopping to pray for one another. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 | “Never stop praying.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
At 8am and 10am before each Sunday morning worship service, our prayer team and members of our congregation meet in the Prayer Room off the main lobby to pray for the service and that all who come will hear the Truth and respond. Anyone is invited to come pray!
At the Altar: If you have a specific need, you are encouraged to come to the altar at the end of a service, where prayer team members or a pastor can pray with you, or you can kneel and pray alone.
On your Communication Card: Write out your prayer need on the bottom of a communication card (in the seat pockets). You have the option of marking your request "For Pastors Only" which is sent only to the pastors for prayer and possible followup or "For Churchwide Prayer" which is sent to prayer teams and emailed to the Harvest Church Yahoo group.
In Your Seat: Look for someone near you wearing a permanent name tag and ask, "Would you find someone who could pray with me?" They will be glad to go get someone who would love to pray for you right where you are, so don’t hesitate to ask.