God created each of us for CONNECTION, first to Him and then to each other. Harvest Church is committed to ensuring that God's original design for connection is achieved through the Biblical model of small groups.
Attending a large church like Harvest may make you feel unconnected, but that’s why we have small groups! Small groups are designed to help you find support, encouragement, friendship, and opportunities to grow in ministering and giving to others. Small group members often say, “This group has become like family!”
Small groups meet all throughout the week at different times and places, addressing different topics. There are groups for men, women, couples, parents, singles, recovery, Bible study, finances, recreation, and more! If you’re interested in joining a small group, click “Join a Group” below! If you have any questions or want more information about small groups, please email grouplife@harvestdothan.com.
Got an idea for a new small group? Contact us to talk about it and find out how you can lead a group.
Freedom through discipleship
Freedom Through Discipleship is a part of our growth track here at Harvest. We have two Small Group semesters per year, which begin in August and February. The track begins by joining a Freedom Group, which helps us learn how to let go of the things that hinder us from our past. From there, we enter into Discipleship, where we learn what it means to be an intentional follower of Jesus once we’ve experienced His freedom in our lives. Most Freedom groups stay together and continue into the Discipleship. If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience Freedom Through Discipleship yet, let us know. We would love to help you get connected!
If you are unable to join a group at the beginning of the small group semester, we have an Open Small Group that you can join at any time of the year.
Wednesdays | 6:45-8:15pm | Chapel (Bldg C)
If you are not connected to a small group at Harvest, this is a great and easy place to jump in! We meet together for a teaching and then break into smaller discussion groups. You’re invited to join us! Childcare available. Click HERE for info about our Ozark Campus Open Small Group!

The 12-week Freedom curriculum (offered twice a year in the Spring and the Fall) is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups meet weekly to build on the foundation of your faith in Christ and help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.
The Freedom curriculum focuses on six areas of personal growth: Living in the “Tree of Life,” Walking in the Spirit, Surrendering to Jesus, Speaking Words of Life, Becoming a Vessel God Can Use, and Living as a Worshipper.
Freedom Weekend
At the end of the semester, there is a 2-day conference that every group member is highly encouraged to attend. Freedom Weekend focuses on solidifying what you learned by helping you take next steps to overcome your past and lay a foundation for walking in daily freedom.
A Harvest Church Original!
The Discipleship series of Harvest Church is an original five-phase program written and copyrighted by our founding Pastor, Ralph Sigler. This life-changing program takes place in a small group setting and is designed to equip believers to confidently live as disciples and to make disciples of Christ.
Participants meet in small groups weekly after having completed the lesson and Bible reading during the week on their own. Each lesson includes teaching, questions, and scripture references to guide group discussion and to lead to a greater understanding of God's heart, character, and purposes and to help us discover what it means to be a faithful disciple. Each lesson also has assignments to help establish consistent daily prayer and Bible reading habits. Each phase has a mid-session break to allow extended time for personal prayer, meditation, and Bible reading.
Want to purchase Discipleship books online? CLICK HERE to visit the Harvest Discipleship online bookstore.
If you’re interested in joining a Discipleship group or for more information, contact us at grouplife@harvestdothan.com.
Part of our purpose is to BECOME the people God created us to be — the best version of ourselves. A great way for us to become that person, to grow deeper in our relationship with God and with each other, is through small groups!
Dane Skipper: Small Groups Pastor
Bonnie West: Small Groups Assistant
334.702.6555 x239