At the heart of our Congregational Care ministry is a desire to shepherd God's people in a loving, Christ-centered way. We minister to one another and to those who are hurting and in need.
In Paul's letter to the Romans we are encouraged to "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15)
GriefShare Ministry
GRIEFSHARE is a 13-week support group that meets once a week in the Fellowship Hall. This video-driven ministry offers appropriate help, support, and encouragement after the death of a loved one. Join us as we walk together through the journey of grief together.
We have two cycles of groups offered during the year — one in the Spring (kicks off in January and concludes in April) and one in the Fall (kicks off in August and concludes in November). During each cycle we have two group meeting days to choose from — Mondays at 1pm and Thursdays at 6:30pm. For more information about GriefShare and how to get connected, email ccare@harvestdothan.com.
DivorceCare Ministry
DIVORCECARE is a life-changing support group that welcomes people and guides them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Many people have found comfort and hope through this 13-week, video-based series.
We have two cycles of groups offered during the year — one in the Spring (kicks off in January and concludes in April) and one in the Fall (kicks off in August and concludes in November). During each cycle we will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. For more information about DivorceCare and how to get connected, email ccare@harvestdothan.com.

Prayer is happening at Harvest all the time — from the lobby to the kitchen, from the classrooms to the Worship Center and the office, you will see people stopping to pray for one another. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 | “Never stop praying.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Before each Sunday morning worship service, our prayer team and members of our congregation meet in the Prayer Room off the main lobby to pray for the service and that all who come will hear the Truth and respond. Anyone is invited to come pray!
At the Altar: If you have a specific need, you are encouraged to come to the altar at the end of a service, where prayer team members or a pastor can pray with you, or you can kneel and pray alone.
On your Communication Card: Write out your prayer need on the bottom of a communication card (in the seat pockets). You have the option of marking your request "For Pastors Only" which is sent only to the pastors for prayer and possible followup or "For Churchwide Prayer" which is sent to prayer teams.
In Your Seat: Look for someone near you wearing a permanent name tag and ask, "Would you find someone who could pray with me?" They will be glad to go get someone who would love to pray for you right where you are, so don’t hesitate to ask.
By Phone or Email: Leave a prayer request anytime with the office by calling 334.702.6555 or emailing ccare@harvestdothan.com. For staff and pastor email addresses, visit our staff page HERE.
By Appointment: For more involved needs, call 334.702.6555 during our office hours (Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm) and ask to speak with a pastor. If you call after hours, leave a message with your request and your phone number. We will set up an appointment with you to meet with a pastor for prayer.
Our pastors are committed to providing you with confidential counseling on a short-term basis. Trained lay counselors and mentors are also available and may be recommended for long-term support needs. Contact us to make an appointment for counseling related to pre-marital, marriage, family, personal, financial, or grief.
PASTOR ON-CALL: If you have a medical emergency and need to contact a pastor on the weekend or after hours, please call 334-702-6555 and follow the prompts. The on-call pastor will return your call as soon as possible.
Support Groups & Congregational Care Ministries
CELEBRATE RECOVERY is a Biblically-based, Christ-centered 12-Step Recovery Program that meets every Friday night at 7pm. Email celebraterecovery@harvestdothan.com for more information.
GRIEFSHARE is a 13-week support group that meets once a week in the Office Building. This video-driven ministry offers appropriate help, support, and encouragement after the death of a loved one. Join us as we walk together through the journey of grief. We have two cycles of groups during the year — January-April and August-November — meeting on Mondays at 1pm and Thursdays at 6:30pm. Email ccare@harvestdothan.com for more information.
AMAZING GRACE HOME MINISTRY is our shut-in visitation ministry at Harvest. This team ministers to the elderly in our church family and those who are unable to physically attend church in person. Team members are partnered with a shut-in to visit with and encourage on a weekly or monthly basis.