harvest hub
This is your “one-stop-shop” for all Harvest signups, next steps, & Sunday morning info.
Whether you want to register for an event, connect during a Sunday service, join a small group or ministry team, or just request prayer, everything is here at the Hub!
Sunday Morning Resources
Looking for the online communication card, weekly guide, or online giving? You can find that here, along with resources about preparing for Sunday worship and specific links to information from our announcements.
Upcoming Churchwide Events
Here you will find information and details about all of our upcoming events. Signups and registrations are available within each event description.
Membership & Baptism
Are you interested in becoming member of Harvest and/or being baptized? If you’re ready to take your next step, let us know! One-time membership classes are offered about every 6 weeks.
Prayer Requests
When you fill out the online prayer request form, be sure to complete ALL fields, including whether your request is churchwide or pastoral only. For further assistance or information about our prayer ministry, visit the Care & Support page.
Small Groups
Small groups are a great way to meet people at Harvest, build lasting friendships, and grow deeper in your relationship with God. We invite you to get connected to a group!
Serving Opportunities at Harvest
Here you will find information about our Ministry Teams. It is a joy and privilege to be able to serve our church family and help make Sunday mornings run as smoothly as possible. We invite you to partner with us and join a team so you can experience the joy of serving!
Kids Events
Here you will find information about upcoming Harvest Kids events (including both 1st-4th grade and preteen events). For more information about our Harvest Kids ministry, click here.
Youth Events
Looking to register for an upcoming Youth event? You’re in the right place! For more information about Harvest Youth (7th-12th grade), click here.
If you’ve heard or seen an announcement or social media post about something and you can’t find the information here, feel free to email us at communications@harvestdothan.com and we’ll point you in the right direction.