8:45 & 10:45AM
Do you live in the Ozark area? Click HERE for info about our Ozark campus! Location: 264 N. Union Ave.
Come experience God’s presence!
At Harvest we want to be real and honest in seeking God and in our relationships with each other. We’re not looking for perfect or religious people... just for people who honestly want more of God in their lives. We try to make it easy for people to come to church! Harvest emphasizes experiencing God's presence, finding your purpose, and building authentic relationships in a casual atmosphere. We have new people at Harvest every week, so you can easily fit in, feel relaxed, and be yourself. Enjoy powerful music led by our worship team and sermons that relate to your everyday life.
New to Harvest?
When you come to Harvest for the first time, visit the Guest Information Desk on the left next to our Resource Center in the front lobby. Friendly volunteers will tell you what’s happening at Harvest for every member of your family, and they’ll show you where to go. Click HERE to connect with someone on our team before you visit!
Harvest en Español
We now have Spanish interpretation available for the 10:45 service each week. Simply call 888-487-7418 and you will be connected to an interpreter.
Tenemos interpretación en español disponible para el servicio de las 10:45 cada semana. Simplemente llame al 888-487-7418 durante el sermón y se le conectará con un intérprete. Los auriculares para conectarse a su teléfono están disponibles en la parte trasera de la sala.
Messages & Media
Here you can watch our services online if you’re out of town or sick, listen to past sermons and conference messages, and hear testimonies of God’s power and goodness! Click any of the buttons below for more information.

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” (Rev. 12:11)
God has done so many amazing things in and through the people of Harvest. Click the image above to hear their testimonies and stories of His goodness, faithfulness, power, and love. If you are interested in being filmed sharing your testimony, please contact us at info@harvestdothan.com.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is to GROW IN CHRIST!
Our purpose in life is to KNOW God, living in a real relationship with Him, loving Him, and bringing Him glory; to BE transformed into the image of Christ, becoming the people we were created to be; and to DO what God put us on earth to do, making a lasting difference with our lives. It’s all about Him!
Read your Bible daily and spend time with God in prayer. Attend worship services regularly. Join a small group. Serve with others in ministry. Transformation in life happens through the COMMITMENTS we make and the HABITS we establish.
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